Seadon was a competitive basketball and volleyball player growing up and he became fascinated in the human body and performance after sustaining various sporting injuries. This led him to pursue a career in Massage Therapy where he can empower, treat, and educate people to improve their health and well-being.

Seadon graduated with a diploma in Kinesiology in Capilano Burnaby, before completing the 3000 hour program at West Coast College of Massage Therapy. With his background in athletics, Seadon strives to help his patients by providing individualized treatments and therapeutic exercise to help restore function and pain-free movements. He enjoys working with people from all walks of life and treats a variety of musculoskeletal and neurological injuries.

Outside of work, you can find Seadon at the gym or cycling around the city. He also enjoys hiking, snowboarding, and playing basketball and volleyball!


- FRCms

- Kinstretch

- Anatomy Trains: Tensegrity Spine

- L.A.S.T. Knee, Leg & Foot

- Neurokinetic Therapy Lvl 1

- Advanced Clinical Reason & Practical Integration, Module 1 Low Back/ SI

- Clinical Reasoning & Practical Integration, Hip & Lower Extremity

- Module 3: Clinical Reasoning & Practical Integration Shoulder & Upper Extremity

- Therapeutic Exercise for Lumbopelvic Stabilizations

- Human Anatomy Pro-Section: Lower Extremity

Special Interest

- Everyday Warriors

- Desk Workers

- Postural Correction

- Acute or Chronic Pain: Arthritis, Joint Pain, Sprains/Strains, Frozen Shoulder, Whiplash

Languages Spoken - English - Cantonese

Special Touch - Plays Basketball, Volleyball, Spikeball Recreationally - Fair weather cyclist - Enjoys walking in nature and camping